Housing and High-Quality Neighborhoods


Housing and High-Quality Neighborhoods Housing opportunity in high-quality neighborhoods provides the chance for people to be closer to the things they need Transportation is closely linked to access to housing and high-quality neighborhoods. Part of the reason that transportation interventions are required to provide people access to opportunity is that some people were historically

Housing and High-Quality Neighborhoods2024-05-06T11:16:11-07:00



Finance Transportation financing mechanisms can both create and address inequities  Transportation access to opportunity is shaped by the way the transportation system is designed and delivered. Transportation finance or the way in which the system is paid for and maintained is a strong influence on the system itself. Currently, the basis of transportation finance


Environmental Justice


Environmental Justice Access to opportunities includes the chance to not face air pollution’s disproportionate effects  Transportation projects create environmental externalities including air pollution and noise pollution and this burden is often borne by low-income households and communities of color living near highways and other transportation facilities. Early UCLA work on environmental justice includes a

Environmental Justice2023-09-11T15:08:12-07:00



Safety Safety concerns pose barriers to free and independent mobility  Safety concerns also affect how people travel. For many women, the fear of victimization continues to be a major concern when they make travel decisions. Female transit users are fearful of transit environments, prompting them to adjust travel behavior to avoid certain routes and


Travel Behavior


Travel Behavior Travel patterns vary between demographic and socioeconomic factors shaping how people get around Travel behavior represents the spaces and ways that people get around: how far they travel, where they go, by which modes, at which times, which whom, for what purposes. Socioeconomic factors — race, income, and gender — shape travel

Travel Behavior2023-09-11T15:14:05-07:00

Essential Destinations


Essential Destinations The role transportation enables access to essential destinations  People need to access many different destinations for essential and social purposes but some destinations matter more than others. Transportation access is particularly important to access jobs, healthcare, food and opportunities to be healthy like parks and open space, and educational opportunities.   A large

Essential Destinations2023-09-11T15:09:03-07:00
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